Jessy Kronenberg
Jessy Kronenberg was previously CDEA Co-President from 2014 - 2017. In that time she helped CDEA, in partnership with the other arts education associations and author Senator Ben Allen, to pass SB 916 - TADA! The Theater and Dance Act of 2016. In 2017, she received the NDEO Executive Director's Award in recognition of excellence in advocacy in the field of Dance Education. In 2018, Jessy launched the CDEA Credential Task Force. In 2021, she guided the CTF as the team supported the first cohort of teaching candidates of the Single Subject Credential in Dance at CSU East Bay. When not volunteering for CDEA, Jessy directs the Dance Program at El Cerrito High School. The program is a chapter of NHSDA, and as of June 2023 inducted 109 dancers into that honor society.